TDL Training Program introduces new Advanced Vireo class

Computer training room

In May, the Texas Digital Library (TDL) will offer a new course on advanced topics related to the Vireo electronic thesis and dissertation management system. The TDL welcomes faculty and staff from all TDL member institutions to participate in the course, which will be hosted by TDL member Baylor University.

For more information about the TDL Training Program, visit the TDL training page.  To register for any course, visit the registration page hosted by Baylor.

NEW! Advanced Vireo

May 24, 2011 | 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM

This class builds on the instruction provided in the TDL’s introductory Vireo Training course. While it provides students with a review of the basics of Vireo, it delves more deeply into process and policy issues, with discussions of the following:

  • User Cases
  • Best Practices
  • Vireo Users Group
  • Vireo software development

Advanced Vireo also opens the door for group discussion of policy and procedure development around electronic theses and dissertations at the various institutions represented in the class.

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